Blender has interesting nodes in the shader editor. This week we will use the Object INFO node which contains a random output port. We will connect it to a different color ramp shader and pipe it through a BSDF principled shader to get really nice results creating a gummy bird (candy) wallpaper. You will be getting this on your viewport. In the tutorial you´ll be following these methods:
00:00 - 09:00 - Creation of the bird particle and paint
10:00 - 17:00 - Particle emission parameters (Fluid/Boids)
17:00 - 21:00 - Creation of the eye texture
24:05 - 30:05 - Camera and lighting the scenario
31:00 - 34:00 - Other material options
General Guideline
- Point your normals to the emission direction.
- Play with randomize rotation on particle system settings.
- Save your texture as external file. Use F3 in the UV editor. Then use ALT+S to save often.
- Create a Studio lighting using planes with emission colors.
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