The general workflow goes like this (you can see it on the first minute recap on the video)
- Create a vertex, use the skin modifier, (E)xtrude and form a tree-like shape
- Use the displacement modifier to create irregular shapes
- Use another displacement modifier to create bulge blobs
- Create a Curve. Use the CURVE deform modifier on the goo object
- The goo object will deform to curve. Add a lattice in the scene.
- Use the Lattice Modifier on the goo object.
- Use the Simple deform modifier on the lattice. Animate it. Use Twist.
- Select goo object. Animate scale in timeline.
- Create Markers in TIMELINE (M). Create cameras.
- Select desired camera at desired (marked) frame.Bind (CTRL+B)
on active marker frame to switch cameras on render.
Here's my first test (blocking stage) for the Venom alien goo.
And this is the final result:
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