2D Grease Pencil effects in Blender 3D

Grease Pencil branch merged into Blender 3D officially, back on July. It was the best news the 3D world was expecting since most of the 2D packages (ToonBoom, TVpaint, Kakani, OpenToonz, and others) have tried to implement 3D to some degree of success into their 2D environments.

Blender 3D on the other hand, has successfully given the users the ability to apply 3d modifiers onto 2D objects, 3D bone rigging system to 2D drawings and extending the canvas to an unlimited space and layering system through collections. Given the realtime engine Blender has (called EEVEE) you don´t need to wait for render time like all other commercial 2D software application counterparts, since EEVEE is a realtime engine! Plain English: what you see is what you get straight from the viewport.

If you´re interested to know more, please contact me (watch the video):


Grease Pencil has a lot of amazing great features. The fact that future exporting to .json for 2D sprite videogames support, leaves most of the competition in consideration. Blender 2.8 beta pre-release will be presented in the BlenCon held this month of October in Amsterdam.

Here are some key features we await:

  • Closer rigging system between 3D and 2D

  • Morphing targets

  • Blending modes in the Effects Panel

  • Custom properties driven by Grease Pencil parameters (Think GP GUIs!!)

  • Video Strip Editor (VSE) ability to include Storyboarding and layout animatics with direct GreasePencil objects!

  • More features to confirm about integration to be announced on the BCon this year

What do you think about the future for Blender´s grease pencil?


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