How to export 3D models to Facebook (from Blender)

I got exciting news today on my newsfeed. You now have the ability to do 3D posts on facebook! Go to: and download the .zip package. Inside you´ll find demo scenes to experiment yourselves. YES MORPHS ARE SUPPORTED!!

  • You can also have animation. For now, search for the folder called "scripts", inside there will be another folder. Pack it into a .ZIP file. Now open blender, and CTRL+U (user preferences), go to the ADDON tab and select the location of the .zip file you created in the early step.

  • Save user preferences. Create a mesh (just something simple for now) and FILE-Export-gITF which will result in a file called (namefile.glb).

  • Then, create a new post on facebook and drag drop this file onto your post. You can customize your background color as well.

This opens up a great opportunity to showcase things made with Blender or even your 3d portfolio.

On a next post we will review-extensively how can we maximize the power of showcasing realtime 3D models on Facebook.

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Disclaimer: This is not how I usually do videos. I tend to post them scripted and with clean audio. I wanted to give people a head start, all though I had to go out of my station due to vacations. So, hopefully on the next video on how to export 3d models from blender to facebook, it will be very deep (textures, animations, morphs). Subscribe to my channel and to my blog, you can get notifications when that is posted. Thank you.

